
Got an idea? We're here to support all your creative needs!

Our starting point is always understanding you, your market and your users. Together we can design and build the best solutions for your customers.

Cute 3D figure wearing a chefs hat and holding up a cake. Robotic hand holding the lid of the cake
What we do
Product design
Brand & graphics
Web & app
Industrial design Design for Manufacturing (DFM) Brand strategy User Centric Design UI/UX Graphic design Rapid prototyping Software development Product development Usability Testing Concept Design Visual identity Computer aided design (CAD) Color, material, Finish (CMF) Brand audit Illustration Personas Journey mapping Wireframing Microcontrollers Supplier communication Human-machine Interation (HMI) Robotics design Surface modelling Design criteria Simulation CGI & Animation Logo design API Information Architecture AR/VR Usability Testing Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Mood Boards A/B Testing Brand Workshops
How we do it
Starting the project, we think strategically, then we research to understand the user experience, next we design and visualize and finally, we bring it to life.

Product Strategy

First, we work with you to create a product strategy based on business analysis, market research, and detailed customer feedback. We define a roadmap to ensure your product’s long-term success and test its feasibility.

Design criteria


System design and architecture


Brand Strategy

Product/Market analysis

Competitive analysis

Data collection

User requirement

Product Sustainability

Feasibility Study

Design Positioning Strategy

Design Registration

A robot hand playing chess and 3D animated figure standing on the chess board
Two robotic hands playing classical music

Experience & research

Then, we perform users studies and involve relevant stakeholders to expand our understanding their needs. Based on the thorough user and market research, we design and test new experiences and services that enhances your products value.

User Research

User Experience (UX)

User Interface (UI)

Usability testing

Information Architecture


Journey mapping

Design Systems


A/B Testing


Physical & digital Design

Next, we build upon the experience to design both physical and digital products in close collaboration with you. Our process combines creative problem solving with technical adaptation to create products that don’t have to sacrifice beauty for functionality and usability.


Concept design


Design system

Digi-physical product design

Product development

Surface modelling

Industrial design





Lo-Fi Prototyping

Color, Material Finish (CMF)

Detail design

A robotic hand sketching
A robot hand holding a screwdriver

Implementation & development

Finally, we help bring the design to life by STEM engineering, developing apps, building prototypes, and adapting it to your production needs. We also provide high-quality marketing animations and renders.

Design for manufacturing (DFM)

Web development


Hi-fi Prototyping



Robotics design

Design Quality assurance

Supplier communication


Tools we use

How can we help you?

Because every challenge is unique, we adapt our approach to best fit your needs.

In house projects & consultancy

You may need a consultant that brings expertise to your team, or we can use our team to help you execute a bigger project. Get in touch and we will take it from there.

Rapid solutions

If you’re not sure where to start we have pre-defined packages that will help accelerate your journey. Have a peek and see if you find something you that suites your needs. 

Categorization of ROBOTS​

Categorization of robots

Comprehensive Categorisation and classification poster of ROBOTS 2025-Ver 1.0

Categorization of ROBOTS​
Poster history of humanoid robots

The History of Humanoid Robots​

Poster history of humanoid robots

Research, Social & Entertainment humanoids

Cobots & Industrial arms​

A visual collection of small & medium size cobots & industrial robot arm

Humanoid robots 2024

Humanoid robots 2024​

This is the second version of our Humanoid Robots poster series. It contains the latest commercial industrial humanoid robots by Aug 2024. 

Humanoid robots 2024
Poster visualizing the most notable quadruped robots from 2023

Quadrupeds 2023

A list in the form of a poster visualizing the most notable quadruped robots from 2023

Poster visualizing the most notable quadruped robots from 2023

"Colorful robots"

Lights and colors are effective means of communication, providing a quick and easy way to convey messages. However, using colors and lights incorrectly or inconsistently can negatively impact communication.

A list in the form of a poster visualizing the most notable humanoid robots from 2023

Humanoid poster 2023

First version of our humanoid poster showcasing the most prominent and mentioned humanoids during 2023

A list in the form of a poster visualizing the most notable humanoid robots from 2023